2. Building pages
Now that we have our app using the UI Shell, it’s time to build a few static pages. In this step, we’ll become comfortable with the Carbon grid and various Carbon components.
- Fork, clone and branch
- Add landing page grid
- Build landing page
- Style landing page
- Add repo page grid
- Build repo page
- Push to GitHub
A preview of what you’ll build:
Fork, clone and branch
This tutorial has an accompanying GitHub repository called carbon-tutorial-web-components that we’ll use as a starting point for each step. If you haven’t forked and cloned that repository yet, and haven’t added the upstream remote, go ahead and do so by following the [step 1 instructions](previous step.
With your repository all set up, let’s check out the branch for this tutorial step’s starting point.
git fetch upstreamgit checkout -b step-2 upstream/step-2
Build and start app
Install the app’s dependencies (in case you’re starting fresh in your current directory and not continuing from the previous step):
pnpm i
Then, start the app:
pnpm dev
You should see something similar to where the previous step left off.
Add landing page grid
Let’s add our grid elements to our
Now the Carbon grid does not currently exist in web component form. This may be because it is difficult to apply a CSS grid when traversing the shadow DOM of a grid and column component. This leaves us with writing our grid and columns out long hand, writing the styles ourselves, or using javascript utility to add classes to our columns.
For the purposes of this tutorial the classes are written out long hand. In
<div class="page page-landing cds--css-grid cds--css-grid--full-width"><div class="page-landing__banner cds--css-grid-column cds--col-span-100">1</div><div class="page-landing__r2 cds--css-grid-column cds--col-span-100"><div class="cds--subgrid cds--subgrid--full-wide"><divclass="page-landing__tab-content cds--css-grid-column cds--sm:col-span-4 cds--md:col-span-4 cds--lg:col-span-7">7/16
Then import the grid styles in
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/grid';
In order to use the grid, we need to wrap everything in a
The CSS Grid is a 16 column grid. The column widths and positions are specified using a combination of
<div class="cds-lg:col-start-9 cds-lg:col-span-8" >
We’ve included the designs for this tutorial app in the

Landing page grid
Build landing page
We’ll start adding HTML elements and components by row.
First row

Banner vertical spacing
In our first row we’ll need a
import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/breadcrumb/index';
We can now add our component to the first row, replace the content of the
<cds-breadcrumb noTrailingSlash aria-label="Page navigation"><cds-breadcrumb-item><a href="./">Getting started</a></cds-breadcrumb-item></cds-breadcrumb><h1 class="page-landing__heading">Design & build with Carbon</h1>
Second row
In our second row we’ll need
import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/tabs/index';
The tabs come next going inside
<cds-tabs value="about" class="page-landing__tabs"><cds-tab id="tab-about" value="about" target="panel-about">About</cds-tab><cds-tab id="tab-design" value="design" target="panel-design">Design</cds-tab><cds-tab id="tab-develop" value="develop" target="panel-develop">Develop</cds-tab></cds-tabs>
Each of the
Wrap the subgrid element immediately after the closing
<div id="panel-about" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-about">... grid element is here</div>
Replace the content of the first column
<h3 class="page-landing__subheading">What is Carbon?</h3><p class="page-landing__p">Carbon is IBM’s open-source design system for digital products andexperiences. With the IBM Design Language as its foundation, the systemconsists of working code, design tools and resources, human interfaceguidelines, and a vibrant community of contributors.</p><cds-button>Learn more</cds-button>
The second column content
<imgclass="page-landing__illo"src="./tab-illo.png"alt="Carbon illustration"width="640"height="498" />
After the closing
<div id="panel-design" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-design"><div class="cds--subgrid cds--subgrid--full-wide"><divclass="cds--css-grid-column cds--sm:col-span-4 cds--md:col-span-8 cds--lg:col-span-16"><div class="page-landing__tab-content"><p class="page-landing__p">Rapidly build beautiful and accessible experiences. The Carbon kitcontains all resources you need to get started.</p>
<div id="panel-develop" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-develop"><div class="cds--subgrid cds--subgrid--full-wide"><divclass="cds--css-grid-column cds--sm:col-span-4 cds--md:col-span-8 cds--lg:col-span-16"><div class="page-landing__tab-content"><p class="page-landing__p">Carbon provides components and styles for all. Whether using Vanilla,Web Components, React, or another reactive library, you can build withCarbon.
Third row
Here we replace all four columns entirely adding some offsets for medium and large column sizes after the first column.
<divclass="page-landing__label cds--css-grid-column cds--sm:col-span-4 cds--md:col-span-2 cds--lg:col-span-4">The principles</div><divclass="page-landing__title cds--css-grid-column cds--sm:col-span-4 cds--md:col-span-6 cds--md:col-start-3 cds--lg:col-span-4 cds--lg:col-start-5">Carbon is open</div><div
Style landing page
First row
Row one styling is fairly straight forward with some typography and positional adjustment so to align it with our other content.
.page {padding: 0;> * {padding-inline: $spacing-06;margin: 0;}}
Second row
The styling for the second row adds further layout and typography changes. It also positions the image and prevents it from causing horizontal overflow. In order to make use of the Carbon SCSS mixin
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/breakpoint' as *; /* add near top of file */.page-landing__illo {max-width: 100%;float: inline-end;height: auto;}@include breakpoint-down(md) {
Third row
.page-landing__r3 {padding-block: $spacing-09;background: $layer-01;}
Ta-da! You should see a step 2 complete landing page! Now we can move on to the repo page.
Build repo page
Add a grid to contain our content
Now in our
<div class="page page-repositories cds--css-grid cds--css-grid--full-width"><div class="repo-page__r1 cds--css-grid-column cds--col-span-100">REPOSITORIES PAGE</div></div>
Add a minimal amount of styling to move our content away from the edge of the page in
.repo-page__r1 {padding-block: $spacing-05;}
Adding a table
Before we can add the table we need to import the web component. As this is only used in our
import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/data-table/index.js';
We need to include this file in
<script type="module" src="/repos.js"></script>
Next we add the table header and column titles to replace the text
<cds-table expandable><cds-table-header-title slot="title">Carbon Repositories</cds-table-header-title><cds-table-header-description slot="description">A collection of public Carbon repositories.</cds-table-header-description><cds-table-head><cds-table-header-row>
The table header should already be visible on the repositories page.
Now we can add the rows replacing
Table body goes here
<cds-table-row><cds-table-cell>Repo 1</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell>Date</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell>Date</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell>123</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell>456</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell>Links</cds-table-cell></cds-table-row><cds-table-expanded-row>Repo description</cds-table-expanded-row>
Using HTML templates
With the app running we can see that the repositories page now hosts a table. However, it is not realistic to populate a table with hard coded data way so we’ll refactor to build the table from data.
This involves the use of HTML Templates, take a look at W3 Schools if you need a quick refresh.
Table body goes here
Then before the end of the html tag and after the body closing tag add the following to define our table row template.
<template id="template--table-row"><cds-table-row><cds-table-cell key="name">Repo 1</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell key="created">Date</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell key="updated">Date</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell key="openIssues">123</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell key="stars">456</cds-table-cell><cds-table-cell key="links">Links</cds-table-cell></cds-table-row>
Next in
// cds-table-row datalet data = [{name: 'Repo A',created: 'Date',updated: 'Date',openIssues: 123,stars: 456,links: 'Links',
Next we create the function
const updateTable = () => {const tableRowTemplate = document.querySelector('template#template--table-row');const tableBody = document.querySelector('cds-table-body');if (tableBody && tableRowTemplate) {tableBody.innerHTML = '';// iterate over data and render rowsdata.forEach((row) => {
Verify that the table rows are being generated by changing the data and running the app.
Congratulations! We’ve now created our static repo page!
Push to GitHub
That is it you are done. Just one more push to save your completion of step 2.
Git commit and push
First, stage and commit all of your changes:
git add --all && git commit -m "feat(tutorial): complete step 2"
Then, push to your repository:
git push -u origin step-2